使用面向对象的程序设计方法和可视化的开发工具 ,实现了电离层斜向返回探测仪的硬件控制、系统检测和数据的实时处理、显示与保存 ,并使软件具有较好的可移植性、可维护性和便于操作的特点。系统的开放性与灵活性使得在一台探测仪上实现多模式电离层探测成为可能
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This paper presents the design and application of the host program for soft ware oblique backs catteriono sonde system (OBIS) byusing object oriented programming language and visualization toolkit .The programn ot onlyhasmanyfunc tions including hardware control,systems urveillance ,datap rocessing ,mapping and saving in realtime,but alsohasanopen and flexible structure which makes the obliqueiono sphericbacks cattering sounding based on soft warebecomepossible .