X波段固态相控阵空基SAR是技术发展方向,现将德国Astrium Gmb H公司已研制成功并已在2005年发射上天的X波段固态相控阵空基SAR译出,既可作参考,又可作比较。德国的空基SAR具有在太空中较广宽的白天和黑夜温度变化中天线波束宽度均能符合要求。具有水平和垂直两种极化。采用了荷兰NUR公司提出的波束快速转向方法,使俯仰波束能在较大范围内扫描。采用了SAR图像压缩方法,方便向地面接收站传输图像。
[Key word]
Developing X band solid state phased array space-based SAR is a important scientific direction.This paper describes X band solid state phase array SAR which has been developed by the Astrium GmbH,Germany.A translation of this SAR is published here in order that our research scientist can understand how to develop a good space-based SAR.
TN958 TN959.7