"停-走"模式是目前脉冲SAR信号处理和理论分析的基础,FM-CW SAR由于其大的脉冲重复周期和100%的占空比,恶化了接收脉冲的畸变。文中分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-多普勒算法性能下降的主要误差来源,对FM-CW SAR的信号处理问题进行深入研究,提出了改进的适合斜视FM-CW SAR大扫频周期的距离-多普勒算法。通过理论推导及仿真实验,验证了改进模型和算法的可行性与正确性。
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"Stop and go" manner is the basis of the signal processing and analysis of the conventional pulse SAR. For FM-CW SAR, the large PRI and the duty cycle deteriorate the aberration of the received signals. In this paper, the main error source of classical range-dopple algorithm is analyzed which cause the loss in image quality, and the modified Range-doppler algorithm adapted to large sweep cycle of the de-chirped FM-CW squint SAR is presented. The deduction and the simulation proved the signal model and the algorithm are feasible and correct.