UWB SAR由于其穿透性而广泛用于对叶簇遮蔽目标的探测,二面角模型是对卡车等隐蔽战术目标进行检测时常用的一种近似模型,该模型较好地解释了卡车等战术目标存在的正面闪烁效应。文中对文献中关于二面角模型的论述进行了总结,通过进一步分析得出了原模型在电磁建模过程中存在的一些问题,并针对模型的不足进行了改进。对二面角电磁建模的分析和改进完善了二面角理论,增强了二面角模型在目标检测中的指导性。
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UWB SAR is applied to detect targets under foliage because of its penetrability. Dihedral angle model is a kind of approximative model usually used in target detection of trucks and such concealed tactics targets, which explains preferably " broadside flash'of trucks and such tactics targets. The discussions about dihedral angle model are summarized in this paper. Several problems are found in the electromagnetic: modeling of the former model through the farther analysis, and improvement is accomplished against the deficiencies of the model. Analysis and improvement of dihedral angle modeling consummate the theory of dihedral angle model, and guidance value of dihedral angle model is enhanced in target detection.