利用运算放大器和乘法器进行电路设计,对早期利用电子管实现的Van der Pol振荡器利用现代集成电路加以实现。文中还利用OrCAD PSpice对设计的电路进行了模拟,得到了Van der Pol振荡器输出信号的波形图,并利用文本文件作为OrCAD PSpice和Matlab之间的接口,将OrCAD PSpice仿真得到的波形在Matlab中进行处理,得到Van der Pol振荡器两个状态变量的相图,并以此说明了Van der Pol振荡器所具有的丰富的非线性动力学特性。
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In this article circuits are designed with operational amplifiers and analog multipliers,thus realizing Van der Pol oscillator with a simple modern semiconductor circuit,which are built using vacuum tubes in earlier times.The circuit using OrCAD PSpice is simulated and the waveform of Van der Pol oscillator is obtained.Text documents are used as the interface between OrCAD PSpice and MATLAB and we analyze the waveform produced by OrCAD in the MATLAB programming environment.The outputs of the circuit are plotted in phase plane.Various phenomena of Van der Pol oscillators nonlinear dynamics are illustrated by the simulations.