高频雷达工作在短波波段(3 MHz~30 MHz),该频段内干扰种类繁多且形式复杂,成为影响雷达目标检测性能的主要因素之一。文中通过理论推导和实录雷达回波数据的统计分析,对高频雷达各种外部干扰的产生机理和特性进行了分类和研究。研究结果为针对不同类型干扰,寻找有效的抑制方法提供了参考。
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HF Radar works in high frequency band,and there are various interferences which are very complex and impair the performance of radar seriously.In this paper,we study the characteristics of the interferences through theoretical calculation and analysis of experiment data.The study results of the interference characteristics are of great significance for the searching of interference cancellation methods.