从总体上阐述了雷达探测资源管理目的、要素、内容、功能、结构与策略等基本问题,并综合考虑与管理一体性、人在 闭环、状态监测与评估等因素融合,提出了以探测分系统、数据融合分系统、资源管理分系统、人机交互分系统、数据库分 系统构成的雷达探测资源管理的闭环控制模型;再从管理功能上总结分析了雷达探测资源管理技术与方法的研究现状, 并指出了其未来的技术研究重点。
[Key word]
From the aspect of radar system, purpose, factors, content, function, architecture and strategy of resource management which should be considered are analyzed, and based on factors such as the integration of management,human in closed loop and status assessment, a closed loop control framework which includes radar detection, data fusion, resource management, man-machine interface and database subsystems is presented. Then, the status of techniques and methods of radar resource management are summarized based on different level of management function. Finally, the future study emphasis of resource management is presented.
信息综合控制国家重点实验室基金资助项目;全军 军事学研究生课题资助项目