针对基于空间分集的多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达多发多收的特殊结构,建立了基于逆协方差形式扩展卡尔曼滤波算 法的MIMO雷达目标跟踪滤波模型,分析了影响算法滤波精度的4个因素,分别为信噪比、信号带宽、天线数以及天线与 目标间的位置关系。通过使目标位置状态估计均方误差最小,在特定天线数条件下利用数值方法得到了使滤波精度达到 最优的天线放置形式。仿真实验给出了不同信噪比、信号带宽、天线数以及天线与目标间不同位置关系时的MIMO雷达 跟踪性能。
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Aiming at the special configuration of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. The tracking model of MIMO radar was constructed based on the inverse covariance form of the extended Kalman filter. Four factors influence on filtering accuracy, they are signal-to-noise ratio, effective bandwidth, number of antennas and the location relationship between target and antennas. To minimize the mean-squared error of target state estimator, an optimum station arrangement strategy was proposed. Experimental results showed the tracking performance of MIMO radar on different signal-to-noise ratio, effective bandwidth, the number of antennas and the location relationship between target and antennas.