在应用编队卫星雷达沿航迹排列进行地面运动目标检测时,由于动目标的存在,各小卫星接收回波所构成的样本协 方差矩阵携带了杂波及运动目标信息,可通过对样本协方差矩阵的分析来提取运动目标的相关信息。基于这种思想,文 中对双星编队雷达的回波样本协方差矩阵进行了特征分解,提出了一种由特征分解所获特征矢量和特征值等变量组合而 成的运动目标检测新算子,相比协方差矩阵特征分解后所获变量直接定义的检测算子,新算子对杂波和噪声的鲁棒性更 强。对各类检测算子检测性能的计算机仿真实验验证了文中所提新检测算子的优越性。
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In the application of distributed-satellite radar system which is an innovative system for space borne remote sensing for ground moving targets indication (GMTI), because of the existence of moving targets, the covariance matrix of the samples carries some information of both clutter and moving targets, and so it can be analyzed for extracting the information of moving targets. Based on this principle, the paper analyzes the eigen-decomposition of sample covariance matrix, and proposes a new detector by combining the obtained variables after eigen-decomposition. Compared with the detectors defined by using the obtained variables themselves, the proposed detector is more effective. Finally, the simulation experimental results of detecting performance of these detectors prove the conclusion proposed.