分析了影响天波超视距雷达(OTHR)可用度的电离层信道因素,依据一个太阳活动周期(11年)的电离层不稳定性 数据,统计了中纬、中低纬和低纬地区的电离层信道可用度,OTHR频率管理系统综合考虑了电离层的基本特性以及高频 干扰频谱分布特性,首次提出了基于频率管理系统工作频率表数据的电离层信道可用度的短期统计方法,并对太阳活动 低年特定月份典型时刻(日出、日落、正午和夜间)的电离层信道可用度进行了统计分析。
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The ionospheric channel parameters that impact the availability of the over the horizon radar (OTHR) are analyzed. The ionospheric channel availability statistics are taken by 11-year ionospheric data for a solar cycle in mid-latitude, mid and low-latitude and low-latitude regions. The ionospheric basic characteristics and the inteference property are synthetically considered in the frequency management system(FMS) of OTHR. A ionospheric channel short-term statistic method is presented based on the FMS working frequency table data. The ionospheric channel availability are statistically analyzed with this method for the specific months and the typical periods of time (sunrise, sunset, midday and midnight)during the low solar activity years.