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The echo signal of general case airborne bistatic SAR has new properties because of its imaging geometry and systemic parameters. Three aspects of signal properties as residual range migration, Doppler parameters, spectrum of echo signal are analyzed in this paper. The research results are as follows: residual range walk and residual range curvature are asymmetry in azimuth, and imaging region blocking should be performed in wide scene imaging according to the residual range migration and quadratic phase error (QPE). Doppler centroid is two-dimensional divergent, while Doppler chirp rate and Doppler wideband are twodimensional expansionary. Linear range walk correction (LRWC) is performed in range frequency-azimuth time domain to mitigate the strong cross coupling of echo signal that brought by the squint mode of bistatic SAR. The point target spectrum after LRWC is derived. Simulations validate the properties of echo signal and the method of LRWC.