研究了基于通道选择技术的统计多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达恒虚警(CFAR)检测问题,提出了基于顺序统计量(Or-der Statistic,OS)的通道选择技术及其两种CFAR检测方法。第一种是在事先估计或先验已知有效通道数量me的前提下,非相参积累me个最大的局部检测统计量形成最终的检测统计量,即OS-GLRT检测器。第二种则是采用或规则,对各种有效通道数量假设条件下得出的OS-GLRT检测器的判决结果进行融合,从而克服了OS-GLRT检测器对有效通道数量估计值比较敏感的问题。所得到的MOS-GLRT检测算法无需估计有效通道数量,且在各种输出信噪比分布模型下都具有良好的检测性能。
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Statistical MIMO radar CFAR detection based on channel-selecting techniques is investigated in this paper, and the channel-selecting techniques based on order statistics (OS) theory as well as two CFAR detection methods are proposed. On the premise that the number of valid channels me is apriori known or estimated beforehand, the first one noncoherently accumulates the first me largest local test statistics to obtain the so-called OS-GLRT detector. The second one adopts "the rule of OR"and fuses the decision results of the OS-GLRT detectors with all the assumptions about the number of valid channels to make a final decision. The resulting MOS-GLRT detection algorithm doesn't need apriori information about the number of valid channels, and can overcome the sensitivity of OS-GLRT detectors to the number estimation of valid channels, and has good detection performance for each average output-SNR distribution model.