针对综合馈电网络常用的微波多层板及混压多层板,研究了一种新型准带线式超宽带板间垂直互连形式,该种垂直互连工作频带达到0 Hz~25 GHz,加工工艺简单,制造成本低。分析了0°和180°两种垂直互连形式,试验证明该形式板间垂直互连完全满足工程应用需求。
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For the microwave multilayer boards and hybrid pressing boards, a new vertical connection is promoted, whose working band ranges from 0 Hz to 25 GHz . It is easy to manufacture the connection,and its cost is lower. Two kinds of 0° and 180° vertical connections are researched. The results of simulation and experiment prove that the method is feasible and agree with the need of engineering.