以有源相控阵雷达为基础,对顶罩系统的质量组成及其影响因素进行了多维度综合分析;然后,采用敏感性分析方法对顶罩系统的质量组成进行详细分析;最后,以“有源组件冶这一组成单项对质量组成进行具体的阐述说明。分析表明,顶罩系统质量的影响因素复杂,尤其是对“构型冶和“频带冶这两个参数最为敏感;同时,得到了多种类型顶罩系统质量的各组成占比值,其中“雷达”和“非雷达”两部分一般约占60% 和40% 。
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Illustrated by active electronically scanned array (AESA), radome system weight and its form are synthetically analyzed in this paper. In addition, sensitivity analysis is adopted to analyze the system weight. Finglly, the system weight composing is expatiated by the part of “T/ R subassembly冶. The results show that radome is a complicated system and its weight is sensitive to two typical parameters that are configuration and frequency. Several kinds of radome system's weights composing are described and the proportion of radar and others is 60% and 40% approximately.