为了满足相控阵技术对连接器件相位一致性的要求,文中提出了一种新型SMA 型相位可调射频连接器。通过调节连接器内导体和外导体的物理长度,实现整个电缆组件相位的连续可调。通过共面补偿优化设计以及对影响连接器电性能和相位特性指标的关键因素进行分析,设计了SMA 型相位可调连接器,并配接相位稳定射频同轴电缆加工了电缆组件。通过对实物进行测量,所设计的相位可调射频连接器在DC ~18 GHz 频率范围内,通过调节物理长度,相位可实现0°~15°的连续调节,测试的电压驻波比VSWR<1.3。所提出的SMA 型相位可调射频连接器结构简单,相位调节方便,可以有效解决电缆组件的相位一致性问题。电缆组件的测试结果与仿真结果具有较好的一致性,验证了设计的有效性。
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A novel SMA style RF connector with phase modulation to satisfy the requirements of phased array technology for phase consistence is presented. By changing the length of the inner and outer conductor of the connector, the phase of the cable assembly can be continuously modulated. With the method of adopting the coplanar-offset and analyzing the important aspects of affecting the electrical properties and phase performance, SMA style RF connector is designed and fabricated to make the cable assembly. By changing the physical length of the connector, the designed connector has a phase modulation range from 0° to 15°with the measured VSWR less than 1. 3 during the frequency band DC ~18 GHz. The proposed SMA style RF connector with phase modulation has the characteristic of simple structure, which can solve the phase consistence problem of cable assembly effectively. The simulated and measured results of the proposed cable assembly are in good agreement to validate the design.