提出了一种应用于极化扭转卡塞格伦天线的双口双模单脉冲雷达馈源,推导出三种波束(和波束、E 面差波束、H 面差波束)归一化远场方向图的完整解析表达式。对整个馈源进行仿真优化,使和、差(E 面差、H 面差)通道的驻波带宽都超过20% (VSWR≤2),得到了三种波束的归一化远场方向图。加工出馈源并进行测量,实测驻波与仿真结果吻合良好,馈源远场方向图的仿真结果达到预期指标要求,该馈源可应用于实际的单脉冲雷达跟踪系统中。
[Key word]
An X-band dual-mode dual-aperture monopulse radar feed used for polarization-twisted Cassgrain antennas is proposed,and the complete analytic expressions of three kinds of beam's(sum, E-plane difference, H-plane difference)nomalized far-field patterns are given. Simulations for the complete model are performed, as a result, the VSWR bandwidth of sum and difference(E-plane difference, H-plane difference) channels are more than 20% (VSWR≤2), the three kind of beam's nomalized far-field patterns are obtained. The feed is manufactured and measured, the experimental VSWR results and theoretical simulation results are in good agreement, the simulation result of far-field patterns has met the expectations index requirements. The feed can be applied to monopulse radar tracking system.