伴随无人机技术的发展,低空慢速小目标面临杂波强和目标回波弱的问题,同时相控阵雷达需要兼顾空域警戒等多种任务,需要将弱小目标的多次观测信号进行积累检测。文中提出一种基于线性约束最小方差法(LCMV)稀疏基压缩感知(LCMV-CS)的相参积累技术,实现弱小目标多次观测信号片段相参积累,同时实现对强杂波的抑制处理。仿真条件不等间隔积累损失≤1 dB,解决常规FFT 相参积累栅瓣的问题,同时抑制强地物杂波40 dB,利用实录数据验证该方法可以有效抑制强杂波的同时提升目标信噪比。
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As the development of UAV weapons, the detection of low-altitude slow and small (LSS) target confronts the problem of the strong ground clutter and low SNR. Meanwhile, phased array radars have to give consideration to multifunction such as air surveillance, so LSS detection needs integrate the signal of multiple detections. In this paper, a novel coherent integration method based on LCMV and sparse signal decomposition is proposed to integrate the signal of multiple detections under strong clutter environment. Simulations indicate that the method can solve the problem of grating lobes in FFT ant the loss of integration≤1 dB while the strong clutter can be suppressed 40 dB. The measured data can also prove that the method not only suppress strong clutter but also improve the SNR of LSS targets.
TN957. 51