针对TC18 钛合金中轴的焊接,设计了锁底对接焊接试样,对TC18 电子束焊接工艺进行研究,并对比了“固溶-焊接-时效冶和“退火-焊接-固溶-时效冶两种热处理顺序对焊缝力学性能的影响。对焊缝的外观和内部质量分析显示,TC18具有良好的电子束可焊性,焊缝表面光滑,焊缝表面和内部无气孔、裂纹、夹渣等缺陷。两种热处理方式下,焊缝的抗拉强度和屈服强度均和母材相当,但“退火-焊接-固溶-时效冶方式处理的焊缝,延伸率较好,达到了9% ,完全满足使用需求。
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In order to complete the fabrication of the TC18 titanium alloy central axis, a study on electron beam welding (EBW) of TC18 titanium alloy is carried out. Two heat treatment orders ( solution treatment-EBW-aging treatment and anneal-EBW-solution treatment-aging treatment) are applied after welding. Then the inter quality of the welding line and its mechanical properties are analyzed. The result shows that TC18 titanium alloy has a good weldability through EBW, and there is no pority and crack in the welding line. The mechanical properties of the weld under two heat treatment orders are as high as that of the TC18 matrix. While the welding specimen using anneal-EBW-solution treatment-aging treatment method has a higher elongation which is 9% , and can reach the requirement of the design.