相干激光测风雷达要求激光光源有单一纵模(单频)、长脉冲宽度、大脉冲能量。基于相干激光测风雷达的应用,设计了一种实用化大能量的1. 645 μm单频脉冲固体激光器,最大脉冲能量5. 5 mJ,脉冲宽度大于200 ns,重频100 Hz~400 Hz可调,输出激光线宽约40 kHz。在此光源基础上,搭建了简易发射/ 接收系统,实现了3 km距离上风场回波信号的测量。
[Key word]
The laser source for coherent Doppler lidar is required for properties of single longitudinal mode(single frequency), long pulse width and high pulse energy. A 1. 645 μm high energy pulse laser source is designed with 5. 5 mJ maximum pulse energy, more than 200 ns pulse width, 100 Hz~400 Hz repetition frequency, 40 kHz laser linewidth. Using this laser source, the transmitting and receiving device is set up and the wind echo signal in 3km is measured.
TN959. 4